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NS Revolution
Der Freiheitskampf in Franken

Virtually everyone familiar with the Third Reich is aware of the most anti-Jewish man in Germany - Frankenführer Julius Streicher, and his anti-Semitic Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer. Beyond his anti-Jewish nature and his association with Hitler, most people know relatively little about the man himself. This in spite of the evidence assembled for his postwar trial in Nürnberg and the fact that he was hung by the Allies.
Frankenführer Julius Streicher
This extremely rare 5-7/8 x 8-1/8 inch, 28 page well-illustrated soft cover booklet, Der Freiheitskampf in Franken by Stürmer editor Karl Holz fills in many of the gaps in knowledge about Julius Streicher. The front cover is an illustration by noted Nazi editorial illustrator Fips (Philipp Rupprecht) of Nuernberg and shows Streicher standing in front of the bars on the window of his prison cell.
anti-Semitic Nazi newspaper Der Stuermer
The text of Der Freiheitskampf in Franken explains Streicher’s service in a bicycle detachment during the First World War and how he became aware of his loathing of Jews. It follows him through his involvement with German Socialists, hearing of Hitler and his joining of the NSDAP (Nazi Party).
He became the Frankenführer in that area of Germany north of Munich centered in Nürnberg. There he began his Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer and was largely responsible for bringing German Days and the Nazi Party Days (Reichsparteitag) to Nuremberg. In the winter of 1930/31 he was thrown into prison for his Nazi activities.
Hitler & Streicher
Imprisoning Streicher only served to increase his anti-Jewish pro-Nazi fervor. In January 1933 of course, Hitler and the Nazis succeeded to power in Germany and Streicher became a great celebrity and his newspaper, Der Stürmer, went on to incredible success. The newspaper and its biproducts made Streicher a wealthy man.
Der Freiheitskampf in Franken is so anti-Semitic in its tenor and content that very few examples survived the Allied denazification process at the end of World War II. One of the rarest of anti-Jewish Nazi documents, in very good condition
This ultra rare Frankenführer Julius Streicher book is **SOLD**.
May not be shipped to Canada, Germany, France and some other countries because it is considered “hate literature” of the most poisonous sort. Outside of the United States it is up to the buyer to determine if this book is legally importable into his or her country of residence.
We are offering a variety of other original Third Reich era
anti-Semitic publications on the USM website. Interested? Click HERE.
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